Let me be completely transparent before I go on.
I have never loved a little kid more in my whole life than my nephew Noah. Since day one we've been besties and I was blessed with the opportunity to be his #1 babysitter since he came home from the hospital. I was there when he learned how to craw, and I was there when he took his first steps. I've laughed and cried with him, I've prayed over him and with him. And my favorite thing to do with him is sing, dance and laugh together, until we can't laugh any more.
I know things will change when Tim and I have children of our own, when I will know a love I've never known before {parenthood}. But thanks to my sweet nephew Noah, I've learnt that my heart can grow far larger than I thought capable and that the sweetness of watching a baby grown into a little child is one of God's greatest gifts.
Going months without seeing him and my family in person kills me.
But being greeted with a hug that just won't end, with little hands clinging to your face, a little boy who won't let you out of his sight now that he has you ... well it makes missing each other for awhile bearable and melts my heart to pieces.

I can't tell you how much birthday cakes thrill me.
And as I did last year on his 1st birthday, I made sure his face had a taste of cake before the rest of us did.
Stunned and confused by everything for a moment.
Until he got hold of a fork.
And knew exactly what to do.
Besides the love of cake {like his Auntie}, guess who also loves to play cook?
What can we say? He's a man who loves food.
The morning of his actual birthday was such a sweet treat.
Birthday boy wanted Auntie and Grammy sitting next to him for breakfast.
Someone loved his chocolate rice. {Yes it's an actual thing; champorado}
After breakfast was over this messy eater ran around in diapers all day.
He's got some pretty sweet dance moves.
This one is called the "Fred Astaire"
Despite the gloomy weather outside, we had the loveliest time playing inside all day.
What a ham!
You must also know that Noah is the next NBA all star.
Do you see his form?
That follow through.
After a morning of playing, singing and dancing I slipped away to get ready for the rest of the day and I came back and found this little man reading in his bedroom like a big boy.
He makes me one proud auntie.
I love this little man so much.
I'll settle for this being our "best" picture together all weekend.
Happy Birthday big boy, Auntie loves you with her whole heart.
I hope you are having the time of your life with all your titas and titos, and new friends in California. Just make sure to make your way back home ok? And sir, you make our days so much brighter, so much sillier, and so much more fun. It's a blessing to watch you grow up and learn more and more each time we see you. Never forget auntie and uncle are always praying for you, for God to continue to grow you up into a big, strong boy and for to come to know and love God.
I love you "sayap".
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