Tis the season for giving. And the Holmes siblings hit it right on the dot.
A two part Christmas present = GENIUS!
Though the brains behind this operation was truly Nick {far left}, these guys were all soo awesome and for Christmas wanted to do something extra special for their mom, so they called me up for my help.
Their 2 part Christmas present goes something like this:
Part 1: A photoshoot and pictures of the kids to give to their mom for Christmas.
Part 2: A post-Christmas family portrait session with the entire family

Part 1 almost didn't happen because of the snow that fell the night before our scheduled shoot, but these guys braved it out and agreed to my madness to shoot in the snow. It was early, and bitter cold, but it did not deter us from making this Christmas a little more special for their mom. Geeez guys, why are you sooo good to me?!?!

And goodness gracious ... it was both super early and super cold, cold enough to see your breath, but smiles were still seen left and right. Man ... these guys rock.

I laughed when I first saw this picture after our shoot, there are 5 people ... but 4 shadows.Crrrrrazy!!

I seriously can't wait to work with you all again.

I seriously can't wait to work with you all again.

I'm glad your mom loved your present, and thanks for being such troopers for our shoot!!!

The Holmes Family Rocks!!!!

And Nick, you did such a GREAT job putting this all together for your mom and your family. You deserve an award for that ... seriously. And I'm glad we've kept in touch {through Cristi} after all these years. You're an honorary 'cousin' of ours and don't you forget it!!! The next time Cristi visits home from London again, we better see you around!!!!

Be on the look out for a Part 2 folks!!!
Even after the holidays are through, Happy gift-giving to you!!!!!
Love it! The light looks so good in the snow!