My second day in sunny California started off with a Navales family tradition, Breakfast in bed for the birthday celebrant! Not me, but dearest Reinna Sherie, who so graciously let me munch off her delicious breakfast!
Then after a few more hours of sleep {yes we went back to bed} we finally started our day ventured off into the beautiful sunshine for some awesome Birthday celebrating!!!
Palm tree love.

We started off the day with one delicious meal at Veggie Grill.

It was perfect and even better than I could have imagined. Sigh ..... my stomach growls at the very thought of it. How I long for some Veggie Grill this very minute.
And then there was dessert.
If you haven't caught on, I love love love cupcakes. I could not fly home without my west coast
cupcake fill so we went to none other than Sprinkles for some cupcake goodness.
Christian really like's his cupcakes. LOL!
Maybe it was the sweets, or just the good company, but after the cupcakes the day turned into on insane, and silly adventure.

With our stomachs happy and content we started driving towards the beach with the directions given to us by one of the coffee shop patrons, or at least what we though would be the beach.
We drove around aimlessly for awhile, trying to get to Newport Beach. But we never got there, instead we ended up on an island, then in an alley. Then we some how ended up on a Ferry, the kind you drive onto and we were stuck. We did not know where we were going and felt like we had crossed over to the twilight zone, but it was exciting.
For all 2 minutes on this little ferry we took pictures galor.

You better believe Mr. Christian Cruz went crazy clicking away too. And if you must know, Christian Cruz and Ica Images is gonna be one awesome team someday!! Word. Christian and his amazing camera and skills are just "too legit"!!!
Sigh ... thanks for letting me play with your awesome 5D friend!!!
Anyways, back to the story. When the ferry finally docked, we were on another island {still not sure where ... but we were on land}. There were signs of life, and a beach not to far into the distance.
We found it! The beach!!! Not the beach we were looking for, but a beach none the less and it was gorgeous.

These sister are like my other sisters, and I love them ... alot!

Oh how the sunshine, blue sky, and sea shore makes us all giddy. Richelle Jean, you are too stinkin cute!

These sister are like my other sisters, and I love them ... alot!

Ohhh how the sky was simply amazing. We all snapped away with our plethora of cameras, we were like the paparazzi.
The Lord is simply the greatest artist ever. His creations amaze me daily and can never be compared. Praise God for His beauty for sure!
Love.Birds. These two are adorable and sooo cute I love them both soo much.I know I already used this picture, but I love it ... it's one of my favorites from my trip there because these three were the ones who made my trip unforgettable and oh so much fun. We talked endlessly about God's goodness, about life and the future, about art and about our families, I could not have asked for three finer friends!! I love you guys!

The sunset on our amazing day, but the adventures were not yet over ... though this blog post is. Thanks for reliving the awesomeness with me ... days like these should never be forgotten!!
Those pictures are amazing and so inspiring! I love how you have so much fun with your friends. You're right, God is so awesome and my favorite artist! Thanks so much for sharing your trip, God Bless Ica!
Wow I love like every one of those shots! Haha. I love your style & the bright, crispness of all your shots.