Jan 17, 2011

Teasers: More California Teasers

Last week was definitely more that I could have asked for, 8 days in California felt like a month ... and I've practically got a month's worth of images to blog & share with you all. So keep checking back ... slowly but surely I'll be sharing more and more.

For now here are a few more teasers of the crazy talented folk I got to work with last week.
Their newest album is AMMMAZING go get yourself a copy!

The amazing little Jessie Payo
And of course my loves ....
Hope + Scott = Me and Mr. Cassidy.
Full on blog posts are on their way for all of these shoots... oh how I can't wait to share!!

As for the rest of these photos....
They are alot more personal but I can't help but share them because made my trip that much more memorable. Lots of love and a million thank yous goes out to my dear dear friend, Mike. I could not have gotten through my trip without your generosity, your help and your continuous encouragement. Thank you Mike and I am blessed and honored to call you friend.
Oh this painting!!! I love it sooo much and it's my first ever Jean and Ho painting. My ammmazingly sweet and talented friends drew me up one of their creations and I can't help but share this amazingness with the world. I'm sad I didn't have enough hands to bring it with me on my flight back but I'm making space on my walls for it and can't wait to put it up and look at it all day. Rj and Andrew I love you two!

Lastly the big reveal of my new red hair. *All my love goes out to my dearest Reinnasaurus thank you for being so amazing and so talented and for turned my little head red. I love you! You're simply the worlds hottest assistant/second shooter/model!!
I am now a little cherry-red head {spicy tuna loving} Ica.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. day!!!

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