Feb 11, 2013

Portraits: Kari's Maternity Shoot

Tim and I are at that stage in life where most everyone is getting engaged, married, or having their first kid. Tim's highschool friend Byron and his beautiful fiancee Kari are not only getting married, but they have a sweet bundle of babies on the way. Yes, I said babies.
This is Kari and she has two sweet little babies who are about to arrive in the next few weeks.
 Byron and Kari are having both a boy and girl. 
Twice the love, and twice the fun.
 Life is such a beautiful gift, I can't image how it feels to know you are about two bring two sweet souls into the world. 
 Congrats again Byron and Kari! I pray all goes well until the babies come and thank you so much for letting me capture such a special time in your lives.
Kari, you are one beautiful gal. You actually made it look easy to be carrying twins, though I know it's no walk in the park. It was wonderful meeting you and Byron! I can't wait to share more photos from your shoot!

Hope you all had a great weekend friends!

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