Aug 17, 2009

You Oughta Know: I love my Best Friends!!!

"Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Not only does this verse help define my logo and brand, this verse defines who I continuously aim to be as a friend. I have the most amazing group of girl friends a gal could ask for. They finish my sentences, they hold my hand when times are hard, and they know my flaws & imperfections better than anyone else but still love me for me. Here are just two of the girls who make up my heart.

Wait one more thing, I've been thinking about it alot ... I am both a wedding and lifestyle photographer so my brand will be both also. As I started to place my dressed up logos on these photos below, I decided to K.I.S.S. {keep it simple silly} and run with my simple little logos for this shoot. I think I'll do that for most of my portrait sessions from now on, but don't you worry my Mr. & Mrs. I will make their appearance when need be, say weddings & engagement session? You don't wear your fanciest dress out ever day do you? So neither will we.

Now meet my girls.
This is Lily, who's real name is Verily. We all tend to go by our nicknames and leave our first names behind. When she's dressed up and all pretty she looks quite harmless, but think again. My best friend is a drummer, hardcore basketball player, softball playing hottie, and she's even played ice hockey. She's one tough gal who loves high heels and collects purses, and I love that.
I think all the hardcore sports and her tomboy nature prepared her for everything life has thrown her way since we were little kids. Because every time she gets knocked down, she always gets back up even if giving up seems easier. Though I won't show it here on this blog, my best friend has a rockstar tattoo on her wrist that means strength, strength from God and nothing else. And that is why I sometimes call her my "body guard", She's stronger than she looks.
Gosh Ly, why are you so beautiful??? WHY? Hehe. I love you!
And did I mention she's crazy silly.
But then again, all my friends are crazy silly. It's like a requirement.

Now this is another one of my very best friends Em-em {or Mary if you want first names}, her nickname is the cutest in world. If you ask me, we're practically sisters though she's an only child. We've grown up together and have known each other since we were 2. Emem has been there for ever milestone in my life, and vice versa and I'm sure it'll be that way for the two of us till the end of time.
Gahhhhhhh ... Her face!! I love Emem's face. Not just because she's my best friend. But her face is just that cute it makes me want to cry. I believe she gets it from her adorable mom who loves me like I'm her own daughter, and who's face is just as cute. I will never get tired of this face nor am I allowed to because for the next 80 years Emem's face will not age a single day, just like her mom's. Can we say ... good genes?
One thing I love about Emem is that she's probably the only one in this world who laughs at all my jokes, even if they aren't funny, even If I'm not joking. Ok sometimes they are pity laughs, but with that face & that laugh, I actually believe I'm funny when she's around. You gotta love her for that. And if all else fails, she the most ticklish person I know so you can force a laugh out right of her and call it a day.
On a more serious note, I've never been more proud of this girl for what she's accomplished & who she's become in this last year. She's been taken on a whirlwind of a journey and has allowed God to be in the driver's seat the entire time. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads her and how He grows her in this next year. Please pray for her because she'll be interning as a college missionary this year with Campus Crusade for Christ at her Alum, George Mason University. Soo proud!

Ps. Her ringtone in my phone is Stevie Wonder's "I just called to say I love you".
I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life, and I'm proud to call them my "bests".
My group of girlfriends is amazing. They are Godly, beautiful, silly and real. Though I've only shared two of them with you, all of them are just a precious to me and are my heart.
I love my friends to pieces.

PS. My family is the biggest portion of my heart. I've stalled writing about them because I wanted to wait till I got back from my family vacation {which was amazing!!!} so I'll be blogging that soon. Happy Monday to you!!!


  1. beautiful pics ninang the blog

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! =) i love you!

  3. Aww, what a lovely post, Ica! Looovely photos of looovely ladies, too :)

    Where would we be without friends? They really are a precious gift from God :)

    P.S. How did you make the rotating photo header? I'd like to know how to do that, if you have time to explain or point me to instructions :)
    Thank you!

  4. Your really good at this photograhpy thing. Great photos and I loved that you used scripture. I'm Glad you decided not to go with the costumed "ii"s on those pictures. I suggest you make your simple logo your primary logo and use the wedding logo for the weddings. But reflect that on your website making your lifestyle logo your water mark background then changing once you click to your wedding photos link. I think that will allow people to better see what your doing with two "ii"s.

    I will be praying for you Ica and the best for your business. I will also be praying for Emem, that God might use her mightly for his Kingdom over at George Mason University. What a great opportunity for her to be used by God.

    Holla at ya boy!
    With a Love that Christ Loved God Bless!
