Around here, Christmasing began a few weeks ago ...

My oh my when Christmas came, it was soo wonderful!

Without fail, every year we spend Christmas Eve at my best friend's house, pigging out, talking, singing, and dancing with family and friends.
I <3 LA ... I just got back from CA and I la la la it there. I miss you California!

Amidst all the fun, poor baby Janessa got stuck for a second between two bars. But no worries, she was up and about and un-stuck after a second or two. Her face is just too precious.

Me, I found a way to keep warm with my best friend's super cute Penguin slippers. She loves penguins and I love her!!
This is how much me and my best friend love each other!!! Hahahahahaha!

As my cousin Travis partied away,
His baby sister passed out on a near by sofa. Hehe. And as we've all gotten a little older, I've noticed we don't party as late into the night as we use too, but that's A-ok with me!
I love Christmasing. There's nothing like Christmas morning.

Mac {he's my cousin's dog if you're wondering} ... also enjoyed his very first Christmas. He was tooo stinkin cute in the little jacket me and my sister got him!

There wasn't anything really on my 'list' this year so I knew I was in for alot of surprises, and I'm not a picky girl so I could get a bag of buttons and feel like I just struck gold!!! I loove my family {my almost brother included} for getting me a sweet Anne Klein watch that I didn't expect but simply adore!!!! Now I just need to learn how to tell time. Hahahah. I love you guys!
from my big sister, her hubby-to-be, and me. She liked it alot I think. Hehe.
Later that night was party time ... where my favorite guy and I exchanged our Christmas presents!!!

We took turns, and I helped him out when he needed it, then we got down to the good stuff.
For Christmas I got my boyfriend exactly what he asked for, clothes for his internship. He's going to be an AWESOME elementary school teacher some day soon. Though he's been doing a mighty fine job already at his student-teaching internship. I'm sooo proud of you my dear!!!
As for his present to me. What can I say,
he's AMAZING ... and he know's me far too well.
I'm such a sucker for handmade things.So he handmade me this super-de-duper cute card. Inside were words, pictures or sentences that he cut out from magazines that reminded him of me and my silliness. I'm not the only crafty one, I tell ya. Handmade cards are simply ammmmmmmazing! As many times as we've done this {handmade cards}, I never get tired of it .... and we've done it alot.

And then there were my real present .... oh gosh ..... I LOOOOOOOOOOVED IT! Both of them!
First, my dearest boyfriend got me this handmade print that I was eyeing on Etsy a few months ago. Because I love ETSY, I la la love cake and I also love icecream {anything sweet really}, and he and I go together like cake and icecream so it was simply perfection! Secondly he got me a beautiful love necklace that I can add to my collection of beautiful necklaces from him. Sigh ..... I love Christmasing with my favorite guy!
**Side note: Me and my boyfriend love playing Pool {ironic how we opened up our presents on my uncle's pool table right before our game}. What can I say? We love a little competition. Hehe **

Dearest Tim, I praise God everyday for blessing me with your AWESOMENESS and your sweetness!!! Thank you for everything my dear!!
My big sis and my {almost} brother-in-law are also some of my all time favorite people, put the four of us together and you get a whole lot of silliness.
And .... Me and Tim totally beat them at pool that night! Heheh ... WAHOOO!
{Ahem .... I hit the winning shot, just saying}
The other pretty lady in our family of 3 is mi madre, and our guys both got her some special things.
The other pretty lady in our family of 3 is mi madre, and our guys both got her some special things.

My {almost} brother got my mom a big ole chilli pot for her amazing chilli and other yummy dishes to be cooked in, and my boyfriend got her this super cute blessings jar. There is no better time to be counting our blessings.

And as I begin to close this post ... I noticed I don't have to many pictures of sister if it wasn't with her man ... so her's to you big sis. You're beautiful and simply the best. I love you and I have a surprise for you, just you wait. YAY!

Sooo much goes on at our family parties, I've kept things pretty mellow on this here blog post for that reason alone, but we sure do know how to have fun. This picture is proof that my whole family is in on the craziness. Silly dancing on table tops is not out of the ordinary any more. And just look at my mom {bottom left} she's just so hard core. HAHAHHAAHAHHA.
Coming soon.... THE CALIFORNIA POST. {trip #2}

This time I traveled with my wonderful fam back to sunny California. Our family vacation was jammed packed and was soo much fun, I promise I'll be updating about my other shoots and this trip soon. They'll probably be up after the new year.

I looove Disneyland!
Did you know at Christmas time it snows in Disneyland?? I surely didn't.
Those wanna be snowflakes almost had me fooled, but it sure was purrrdy!
Hope you're Christmasing was delightful, may this New Year be filled with blessings and love!!!
:) Sounds like you had an awesome Christmas, and I can't wait to see more Calio pictures. They'll get me pumped up before I go in February! :D
ReplyDeleteI feel like your world has more color in it then the rest of the world
ReplyDeletemaybe its just your camera
but i like to think its your world.
Great images! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!! :)