Lately in the DC area it's been feeling alot like summer instead of spring.
It's been in the 90s with sunshine and endless blue skies {and the DC humitidy we love oh so much .. sike} ... I feel like the weather is finally making up for sending us too much snow this winter.

Every has finally bloomed and the trees and grass have grown green for mile and mile in every direction. {woops forgot to watermark that pic.}
Last Friday I got to send my evening with two gorgeous girls, my friends Sofia and Hope.

Hope you must remember from this shoot,

and her best friend ....Sofia. We were ready to play with our new cameras and be models at the same time. It was a pretty sweet deal.
In a couple of months these two gals will be packing their bags and moving out to L.A. leaving me all by myself, ok not totally by myself ... but leaving me none the less. But on the upside, I have even more lovely faces to look forward to when I go back to CA in August to shoot a wedding.

The day after this shoot we were talking in her bathroom while she was curling my hair, about how we've managed to stay so close over all this time. Our only explaination was "sometimes you just get people, and you click" and that sums up me and beautiful Hopie.
We just click, and I like it like that.And can I just say, Hope is smokin' hot, even on her bad days {which the camera would not and could not believe even if you told it that a million times that day Hope}.
I'm sure you might already know this, but Hope is super talented to the N-th degree. She's an ammmazing singer, dancer and actress {like really truely amazing} ... but she's also a wonderful photographer as well, go figure. Some people just have it all.Though my watermark is on this image {she took it via my darling new camera}
... Hope definitely took this amazing picture.
And this awesome one as well. Told you, she's skilled. And I love her.
Now let's just take one last gaze into her beautiful eyes.
Mama mia Hope!
Now let me tell you a little bit more about Hope's best friend, Sofia.
Let me just tell you, Sofia is just about the cutest monster I ever saw.
Yes I said monster. She might be a double zero, but this girl eats more than I do {and I eat ... allllll the time}. She doesn't care for healthy things like salads, she'd much rather have her steak, pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs ... well just about any type of meat. She's a meat girl and she eats alot of it. Where it goes? I have no idea. But boy have I met my match.
Ok, so you must be wondering gorgeous, 5'10, and a double zero ... she must be a model? Sorry folks, this girl is possibly too smart to be a model and has been working on presidential campains for years now doing accounting and treasury stuff. AND she's a politial science major at American University. Tooooo smart!
But that my dear friends could possibly change. ANTM anyone? Well cross your fingers with us .. because we're waiting for them to call her back from auditions any day now. And if they don't take her, I'm sending her to LA with a portfolio of these pictures and I'm sure she'll be booking thing left and right. Anyways ..

Here is Sofia and I in action ...
But that my dear friends could possibly change. ANTM anyone? Well cross your fingers with us .. because we're waiting for them to call her back from auditions any day now. And if they don't take her, I'm sending her to LA with a portfolio of these pictures and I'm sure she'll be booking thing left and right. Anyways ..

Here is Sofia and I in action ...
And the result ... stunning.
How bout in the dark? Only using the night's light to aid us. Yup still beautiful.

Still stunning.
Sigh .... this was definitely one of my most favorite nights in DC with these girls. Between pictures, ice cream in town ... and a stroll around Georgetown in the wee midnight hours ... stopping by campus and laughing our heads off about "Grace Kelly ... and Bliss" ... I shall miss these times soon after you guys leave.
How bout in the dark? Only using the night's light to aid us. Yup still beautiful.

Still stunning.
Sigh .... this was definitely one of my most favorite nights in DC with these girls. Between pictures, ice cream in town ... and a stroll around Georgetown in the wee midnight hours ... stopping by campus and laughing our heads off about "Grace Kelly ... and Bliss" ... I shall miss these times soon after you guys leave.
A word to the wise, don't throw caution to the wind if you're strolling around town at midnight ... you never know what you might see. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.
These are awesome... <3 <3 They are both beautiful, and super smart! Geesh. Haha. DC SOUNDS SO WARM AND AWESOME.